1日目: その日の天使 - Angel of the day.





A Madame suddenly talked to me in the locker room in a gym. Since COVID-19 has had an overwhelming influence, I have felt talking with strangers is not a good thing and very scary. However, as a nature of senior women, she talked to me very aggressively. The topic of this chat is quite fluffy, but I could enjoy it very much unexpectedly. I did not realize it, but I thought I surely want to someone to talk to; talking about little things with compassion.

I learned the word, “Angel of the day” from an essay by Mr. Ramo Nakajime. A person passing by, staff in a shop, and a person met in a train. Little compassion or small lovely word which a person whom you met the first time and may not meet again give could sometimes save other people.

My angel of the day is the angel wearing a mask with beautiful lace and giving motherly love with candy!


*Japanese senior ladies especially those who live in the Osaka area are said to have a high tendency to give candies to other people. It is a kind of their courtesy.


